Michael Maudlin

With forty years serving as a trusted editor and business strategist in religious and general publishing, Michael (Mickey) Maudlin collaborates with authors, agents, and publishers to bring clarity and definition to a book’s mission, creating books that connect with readers and provoke discussion. While serving as senior vice president and editorial director at HarperOne, he worked directly with many successful and bestselling authors, such as N. T. Wright, Barbara Brown Taylor, James Martin SJ, Rob Bell, Peter Enns, Marianne Williamson, Desmond Tutu, Peter Enns, Lauren Winner, Bart Ehrman, as well as the C. S. Lewis Estate. Before Harper, Mickey was an editorial vice president at Christianity Today and an editor at InterVarsity Press. He and his wife live in Wheaton, IL.

“I worked with Mickey Maudlin on several of my most significant books and quickly came to trust and respect his judgment—about what I was saying and how to say it to the right audience. His unique blend of editorial insight and personal encouragement has sustained and steered me through puzzles and problems all the way from initial ideas to the published book. His reputation speaks for itself: his authors speak with awe about his wise advice and with warm gratitude about his friendship.”
—N. T. Wright, author of Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, and Paul: A Biography

“Mickey Maudlin was my smart, savvy, trusted, thoughtful and beloved editor for years and always knew just what a book needed (or didn’t need). Thanks to his extensive experience and natural smarts, he knows the publishing world like few people do and I would recommend him in a heartbeat to anyone looking for a great editor and publishing professional.”
—James Martin, SJ, the New York Times bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything and Learning to Pray

If you think you might want to work with Michael Maudlin or another skilled professional on the Edit Resource team, please get in touch with us through our Contact form.